Hell's Hundred Books Ouija

This was at the launch party on the snack table.

Hell's Hundred Launch Party

I had the pleasure of attending Soho Press’s launch party for their new horror imprint: Hell’s Hundred. My novel Our Winter Monster will be their fourth title, arriving January ’25.

Here’s me with E.K. Sathue (author of youthjuice) and Corinne Leigh Clark (author of The Butcher’s Daughter, spring 2025).

Book Deal: Our Winter Monster

Here’s the book deal announcement for my new horror novel, coming in early 2025 from Hell’s Hundred (part of Soho Press).

Hell's Hundred!

I’m thrilled to be part of Hell's Hundred, a new horror fiction imprint from the venerable Manhattan-based publisher Soho Press! 

My novel OUR WINTER MONSTER will be their first 2025 release.

Read their super-entertaining announcement at Publishers Weekly.

And here’s their luscious, blood-red catalog of upcoming titles.

My Dear Stranger

News of my snow-monster novel is coming soon.

I’ll also be posting here, old-ways blog style, about my twisting journey through horror fiction, movies, writing, and dark music.

Messy chalk drawing of snow monster on black paper